
Apartament cu 2 camere situat aproape de centrul Bucurestiului, in cartierul Rahova ,zona Salaj, ideal pentru o familie la inceput de drum.
Va propunem spre vanzare acest apartament cu doua camere, decomandat, confort 1, situat in cartierul Rahova, in zona Salaj, intr-un bloc construit in anul 1980, regim de inaltime P+4, fiind disponibil la etajul 2 din 4. De asemenea, facem mentiunea ca acest imobil are vedere laterala spre gradina blocului, orientare cardinala Nord-Est si, bineinteles, acces stradal, insa poate unul din cele mai mari avantaje pentru viitorul proprietar este faptul ca acest imobil are statia RATB in fata scarii. Asadar, vorbim despre un imobil ideal pentru oricine isi doreste sa aiba parte de o casa situata intr-o zona linistita. Acest apartament cu doua camere va poate oferi confortul si linistea de care aveti nevoie in fiecare zi.
Mai departe, va invitam sa parcurgeti principalele dotari si utilitati pe care le veti gasi aici, insa mentionam inca de la inceput ca suprafata construita desfasurata este de 81,26 mp, suprafata utila totala a acestei proprietati este de 58,04 mp, din care suprafata utila a apartamentului este de 50,28 mp.
In ceea ce priveste partea de dotari si utilitati de baza, apartamentul dispune de usa metalica, parchet nou, inlocuit in anul 2020, ferestre din termopan, 2 balcoane ce va ofera privelisti deosebit de frumoase in fiecare zi. De asemenea, tot ca un element de noutate, facem precizarea ca instalatia electrica a fost schimbata acum 2 ani. Prin urmare, veti beneficia de siguranta maxima si din acest punct de vedere. Pe de alta parte, acestor dotari li se adauga si utilitatile de baza PVC, faianta, gresie, incalzire prin termoficare, aer conditionat etc.
Printre principalele avantajele acestui apartament se numara pozitionarea strategica, dar si spatiul generos pe care il ofera. Apartamentul este foarte luminos, are vedere libera catre spatiul frumos amenajat al gradinii, nefiind obstructionat de alta constructie. Cu alte cuvinte, veti avea intr-un apartament de 2 camere cam tot ce va puteti dori. Aceste avantaje sunt rare la apartamentele de 2 camere, deoarece suprafata lor nu permite nimic din cele enumerate, insa acest lucru nu se aplica acestui apartament deosebit de spatios, unde va puteti muta de indata.
In alta ordine de idei, mai adaugam faptul ca acest apartament este locuibil, dar necesita anumite imbunatatiri, pe care le puteti rezolva pas cu pas. Totodata, imobilul nu detine un loc de parcare ADP, iar blocul nu este anvelopat.
Destinatie imobil: Acest apartament poate fi ideal pentru un cuplu care are nevoie de mai mult spatiu, dar poate fi locuit si de o singura persoana, tot din aceleasi considerente. In cazul unei familii, apartamentul cu suprafata totala de 81,26 mp poate fi un loc super pentru cei mici, intrucat se pot juca in casa fara sa fie limitati din punctul de vedere al spatiului. In oricare dintre cele doua situatii ati fi, acest imobil poate raspunde oricaror necesitati prin faptul ca va ofera spatiu exact cat aveti nevoie, precum si toate utilitatile si dotarile necesare.
Descriere compartimentare: Si pentru ca va tot spuneam ca viitorul proprietar va avea mai multe beneficii prin cumpararea acestui imobil, acum a venit momentul sa vedem cum anume are loc compartimentare exacta a acestui apartament. Astfel, intrarea se face printr-un vestibul cu suprafata de 4.36 mp, iar din acest loc aveti acces in toate incaperile apartamentului, incepand cu o super-sufragerie, de 19.14 mp, fiind foarte spatioasa, numai buna pentru momentele in care aveti multi musafiri la masa, la un final de saptamana. Mai departe, urmeaza bucataria, a carei suprafata este de 7.39 mp, iar imediat langa bucatarie veti gasi baia cu 4.02 mp. Pe de alta parte, tot langa bucatarie se afla si o camara cu suprafata de 0.94 mp, dar si o debara de 0.92 mp, unde va puteti depozita alimentele si alte lucruri de care aveti nevoie mai rar. De asemenea, aici aveti si un oficiu cu suprafata de 1.48 mp. Revenind la incaperile mai spatioase, va prezentam si dormitorul piesa de rezistenta a acestui imobil, care are suprafata de 12.03 mp si pe care vi-l puteti amenja exact asa cum va place, dupa bunul plac.
In cele din urma, aici veti gasi si doua balcoane ce va ofera vederi superbe asupra zone, fiecare avand suprafata de 3.85 mp, respectiv 3.91 mp.
Carateristici zona: Daca veti locui aici, trebuie sa stiti ca veti avea la doar cativa pasi de casa principalele centre comerciale si institutii de baza, precum supermarketuri, locuri de recreere (Parcul Carol I, Parcul Sebastian), restaurante, unitati medicale (Institutul de Pneumofiziologie).
Desigur, la doar cateva minute de mers cu masina sau cu mijloacele de transport in comun se afla centrul Bucurestiului si principalele sale puncte-cheie.
Va invitam sa ne contactati pentru o vizualizare a acestui imobil. Oferta v-o prezentam noi, iar alegerea o faceti dumneavoastra.
Oferta propusa este cu reprezentare exclusiva si comision 0%.
2-room apartment near the center of Bucharest in the Rahova - Salaj neighborhood, ideal for a family at the start of the road.
This detached two-room apartment, comfort 1, is located in the Rahova neighborhood, in the Sălaj area, in a 1980-built, 4 floors apartment building, and is available on the second floor. In addition, we note that this building has a side view of the block garden, a North-East cardinal orientation, and, of course, street access. However, one of the greatest advantages for the future owner is that the RATB station is located in front of the stairs. Therefore, this structure is ideal for anyone who desires a residence in a tranquil area. This two-room apartment can provide the daily comfort and tranquility you require.In addition, we invite you to peruse the primary amenities and services that you will find here, but we should mention that the developed built area is 81.26 square meters, the total usable area of this property is 58.04 square meters, and the apartment's usable area is 50.28 square meters.The apartment has a metal door, new parquet flooring that will be replaced in 2020, double-paned windows, and two balconies that offer daily breathtaking views. In addition, as a novel element, we note that the electrical installation was updated two years ago. Therefore, you will also enjoy maximum security from this perspective. In contrast, basic utilities such as PVC, faience, ceramic wall and floor tiles, heating, air conditioning, etc. are added to these endowments.
In addition to its strategic location, this apartment's spacious interior is one of its chief advantages. The apartment is very bright and has an unobstructed view of the garden's beautifully designed space, which is not obstructed by another building. In other words, you will have almost everything you could want in a 2-room apartment. These benefits are uncommon in 2-room apartments because their size does not allow for any of the above, but not in this incredibly spacious apartment, where you can move in immediately.In other words, this apartment is habitable but requires some improvements, which can be addressed step by step. In addition, the building lacks an ADP parking space and the surrounding area is not covered.
Real estate destination: This apartment may be ideal for a couple who requires more space, but a single person can also live here for the same reasons. In the case of a family, the apartment with an area of 81.26 square meters can be a great place for the children to play, as they will not be restricted by space. This property can accommodate any need by providing you with the exact amount of space you require, as well as all the necessary utilities and conveniences.
Subdivision description: And because I've been emphasizing that the future owner will enjoy more advantages by purchasing this property, it's time to examine how exactly this apartment is partitioned. Thus, the entrance is through a vestibule measuring 4.36 square meters, from which you can access all of the apartment's rooms, beginning with a super-living room measuring 19.14 square meters, which is so large that it is best suitable for large gatherings. Next is the kitchen, which measures 7.39 square meters, followed by the bathroom, which measures 4.02 square meters. In addition to the 0.94-square-meter pantry adjacent to the kitchen, there is a 0.92-square-meter closet where you can store food and other items you use less frequently. Additionally, this location features a 1.48-square-meter office. Returning to the more spacious rooms, we also present the bedroom, the building's resistance piece, which has a size of 12.03 square meters and can be arranged exactly as desired.Two balconies, each measuring 3.85 square meters and 3.91 square meters, offer magnificent views over the surrounding areas.
Area features: If you live here, you will be within walking distance of the major shopping malls and basic institutions, including supermarkets, recreation areas (Carol I Park, Sebastian Park), restaurants, and medical facilities (Institute of Pneumology).
Obviously, the center of Bucharest and its key landmarks are only a few minutes away via car or public transportation.
Please contact us to schedule a viewing of this property. You can choose between the options presented by us.
The proposed offer comes with no commission and exclusive representation.